Digital Ad Specifications

Get information on advertising specifications for online advertising with Tarawera Publishing Ltd websites.

(As a general rule we follow IAB Guidelines and standards.)


One of our premium products that connects you with relevant newsletter subscribers via email newsletter.

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One of our premium products that connects you with relevant newsletter subscribers via email newsletter.

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One of our premium products that connects you with relevant newsletter subscribers via email newsletter.

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One of our premium products that connects you with relevant newsletter subscribers via email newsletter.

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Banner Type Banner Size File Size & Formats Looping
Leaderboard 728 x 90 or 760 x 120 40 KB (GIF, JPG, PNG) Continuous
Medium Rectangle (MREC) 300 x 250 40 KB (GIF, JPG, PNG) Continuous
Skyscraper 160 x 600 40 KB (GIF, JPG, PNG) Continuous
Wide Skyscraper 300 x 600 40 KB (GIF, JPG, PNG) Continuous
Billboard 970 x 250 40 KB (GIF, JPG, PNG) Continuous

HTML5 files need to be zipped up and must be validated here for us to accept them. We recommend validate files using an HTML5 Validator.

The IAB recommendation is 200KB (compressed) initial load for the creative and 300 or 500KB for the total creative size (depending on format). Initial load refers to the total, compressed file size of all creative assets delivered to the browser for initial ad display. This includes all files—images, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Third party-served ads can be accommodated, eg: Using Doubleclick tags.


Tarawera Publishing Ltd websites newsletter ads - Newsletters

Send emails to connect with your users

We offer inclusions in our newsletters using a standard 300 x 250 size. This can only be a .gif file and needs to be less than 40KB in size.

With our newsletters you can select the audience most appropriate to your offer, eg: investment advisers/KiwiSaver, insurance advisers, mortgage advisers or a combined adviser list.


Tarawera Publishing Ltd websites - eDMs

Connect your product or service with users online

One of our premium products that allows you to directly contact relevant databases. With this service your message is sent via email to selected databases of newsletter subscribers. Your message can also include images and logos.
  • Client to supply HTML as ready to go.
  • Images can be used but should be kept to less than 100KB. .gif images are best of photographs and .jpeg recommended for images and logos.
  • Do not use Javascript, animated GIFs, Flash or iframes.
  • Maximum image width is 600KB. No animation allowed.
  • Remote host all images that should be displayed in the email. Do not include images using relative paths e.g. (img src=”images/pic.jpg”)
  • We advise not to create HTML files from Word documents. Be aware different email clients will view HTML code differently.
  • Client to provide subject line. (Do not make it all Upper Case).
  • Allow two working days to prepare and test files. Client to sign off test prior to sending.

To insert first name, where one is recorded in our database use [Name,fallback=]

For Unsubscribe use: nbsp;<unsubscribe>Unsubscribe here</unsubscribe>

  • Keep HTML CSS clean and simple, use tables for positioning, not layers or divs.
  • CSS is not to be included in the HTML header.
  • CSS must be embedded in the body of the file.
  • Inline CSS is recommended.